New Zealand Ice Figure Skating Association Inc.
New Zealand Ice Figure Skating Association Inc.

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Otago Southlands 2009

Juvenile Ladies 12 and over

29 Jun 2009


Ashley WILSONNZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 38.691
Caitlin LOWENZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 34.822
Bethany STURTNZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 33.793
Renee BOOTHNZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 29.624


Free Skating

Ashley WILSONNZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 23.3910.9912.401
Bethany STURTNZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 21.4310.1011.332
Caitlin LOWENZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 20.058.8511.203
Renee BOOTHNZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 17.257.389.874


Short Program

Ashley WILSONNZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 15.309.246.061
Caitlin LOWENZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 14.778.776.002
Renee BOOTHNZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 12.377.735.143
Bethany STURTNZLJuvenile Ladies 12 and over2009Otago Southlands 12.366.106.264